"Hello Artists,
In the Massachusetts city where I grew up, Pittsfield in the Berkshires, the downtown Main Street had become obsolete when the malls went in on the other side of town. This quaint street was a ghost town until Maggie Mailer, Norman Mailer's daughter, took a storefront as her art studio. Now, many artists have taken storefront studios and the street has become a tourist attraction. They even organized and have become a non-profit entity so they can receive tax-free donations and incentives. More information can be found HERE.
Last year in Manhattan, the non-profit art space Exit Art had a show called "The Studio Visit". In this show, 8 artists, including me, moved our art studios to their large storefront windows for a few months. I was interviewed by Time Out about my studio window. More information can be found HERE. People loved watching us work in the windows.
while looking for an art studio space in St. George I have decided to take a storefront with a view of the water and ferry terminal. With the millions of tourists coming through, wouldn't it be great for them to stop by and look at (and possibly buy) my work? If there were more storefront artist studios for them to visit, wouldn't this be a great way to revitalize St. George? Think about the press we could receive. Already, NY1 News has interviewed me about my choosing St. George for my new studio (scroll down), indicating that the area may really be on the verge of a renaissance. If we all came together, we could be a much more powerful press presence, and we could make waves in Manhattan as well.
I'm renting a storefront on Stuyvesant Place and I'm offering to help others fine them as well. The stores could be shared and split by 2-3 artists. Most stores in the area rent from $1500 - $2200 a month. One artist has already contacted me and he is looking for someone to share a store with. Starting with two storefront artist studios is a great beginning and maybe others will follow. I can also help artists find spaces and advise them with everything that goes along with renting a commercial space. As many of you know, I have a large gallery and studio in Manhattan's Meatpacking District, so I know the ins and outs of commercial renting.
I'm also starting a Staten Island film/photo/event location leasing company, so if you take this space it could be added to my list of sites to be rented for lucrative film and tv shoots (and events if you are up for that). In addition, if any of you out there have unique houses or spaces on Staten Island that might be good candidates for films or television, please let me know -- I've already rented our house out three times for photo shoots and have received many more inquiries, so the interest is there.
Best wishes, Cynthia von Buhler, Artist, Author & Prodigal Borough Blogger"