I received this letter from the Executive Director of the Alice Austen House Museum. This sounds like a fun party. I have to be elsewhere otherwise I would have attended. I listened to Dead Rabbit on MySpace and they sound cool. Click the headline to get to their site. Honestly, you don't need an excuse to go to Alice's Clear Comfort. It is a dreamy house right on the water. - CvB
"Dear Friends:
On Saturday, July 28, at 7 PM local quartet Murray will join indie rock band Dead Rabbit for a live performance at the Austen House.
But that is not all.
Joining them is painter Dan Pokorny, sculptor Arthur Vallario, and filmmaker Geoffrey Celis for what promises to be an exciting, anything can and will happen, evening at Clear Comfort titled "Voyage of the Valkyrie." What would Alice have said, you wonder? Well, we who know her know that there was nothing she liked better than to throw wild parties at her House.
This event, for good reasons, is according to the editors at AWE the Number One thing to do on SI this weekend. Don't you want to find out why?
G. Carl Rutberg
Executive Director"
The Alice Austen House Museum
2 Hylan Blvd.
SI NY 10305
718 816 4506
Click HERE for the www.AliceAusten.org website.