Jake Dobkin of
Gothamist fame invited Kevin Walsh of
Forgotten NY,
Jay Parkinson,
Photojojo, and
Matt Weber to present slideshows as part of his series of "NYC Photobloggers" at the SoHo Apple Store on Friday, June 2. We at Prodigal were there. First up was Parkinson. He makes pleasantly unnerving, well composed portraits of wannabe fetish models. I really enjoyed his work and his insight into the world of fetish modeling. Afterall, I was a real fetish model a few years back but that is another story. The audience asked him some bizarre questions that didn't really focus on the fact that his work was quite good. One audience member asked him about model releases. When Parkinson stated that he did not have them but he could easily obtain them because he was friendly with these girls, the audience member rudely said, "My face is sardonic." Kevin Walsh showed some great slides, but I have pored over Forgotten NY for hours, and I know that he has thousands more he could have shown. He should do a longer presentation of a tour that spans all five boroughs. I did get to peek at his upcoming book which was exciting. Photojojo was funny. His site offers up unique tutorials such as how to turn your photos into edible sugar treats. Matt Weber's work had a handful of shots that are truly stunning. I recommend taking a look at his site if you like artfully taken documentary style photography. I direct a gallery in Manhattan and after seeing this presentation I feel like I should curate a show of some of the best photoblog pictures at
CVB Space in the Meatpacking district.
One of Kevin Walsh's slides of the Meatpacking district.
Kevin Walsh holds up a galley copy of his forthcoming book.
Matt Weber with a slide of one of his photos where an old woman's cane looks like a "1" and a little girl's hoola hoop looks like a "0". Thus the photo is called "10".
Matt Weber's gripping black and white photo of the World Trade Center disaster.
I loved Kevin's presentation, I wished there had been more of it. He had a picture of the Bond theater right around the corner from my office -- it's now an upscale Italian restaurant called Bond 45. We weren't sure whether this was the same building, but after reading the map at this link (http://home.nyc.rr.com/jkn/nysonglines/45st.htm) I think we are talking about the same place. As it turns out, more change is on the way for this neighborhood - a 5 story building that houses a couple of my usual lunch places at 68 W. 45th street (Kitchen Provence and the Vega House) is about to be knocked down to make way for a giant hotel (http://www.cityrealty.com/new_developments/news.cr?noteid=10841)